About Us

This is Rubbish works to reduce industry and supply chain food waste in the UK and beyond, using policy campaigns, education, the arts and public events. Our work operates in two key areas; campaigning for supply chain policy change, and an outreach education programme.

Our Values
We follow three guiding values that respond to the global impact of food waste.

Environmental Justice
We believe that the environment needs to be protected now and improved for future generations. Continuing with current levels of food waste is deeply destructive for the environment. Environmental justice runs through everything we do.

Social Justice
We believe everyone should have access to a good quality of life. We see the issue of food waste as a symptom of a broken system, where food poverty can exist in the UK alongside mass food wastage. We believe this should be designed out of the system, prioritising reduction over redistribution. We also advocate for fair trading practice and treatment of supermarket suppliers, which includes regard for food waste.

Active Citizenship
We believe in inspiring people using education and campaigning to get politically and practically involved in their local community and democracy at all levels to address supply chain food waste, and more broadly, act together to achieve environmental and social justice.